Parte 4 - The Clock House, Mallow, County Cork

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Código de referencia

IE CA CP/1/1/2/6/4


The Clock House, Mallow, County Cork


  • 1936 (Creación)

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Black and white print

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Alcance y contenido

A view of the Clock House in Mallow, County Cork, in 1936. The photograph can be accurately dated due to the advertisement for the motion picture ‘Craig’s Life’ visible outside the Central Cinema to the left of the print. The film, starring Rosalind Russell and John Boles, was released in 1936. The Clock House was built around 1855, by Sir Charles Jephson-Norreys (1799-1888), a local MP and an amateur architect. His creation was said to be inspired by a trip he had undertaken to the Alps. The Clock was brought from the tower of the Old Mallow Castle. The bell was cast at Millerd Street in Cork. The bell tower became dangerous and was removed in about 1970, but was restored in 1995.

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