Documento 1 - Republican Handbills

Make the war-mongers pay for the war Address to the Dublin Brigade by the Officer Commanding
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Código de referência

IE CA IR-1/7/3/1


Republican Handbills


  • c.1922-1923 (Produção)

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20 pp; Printed

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Six uniform handbills in the Republican interest, starting with:
The Till of the people …. 2 copies
The Irish Free State brands Irishmen who refuse to be slaves. 2 copies
Make the war-mongers pay for the war ... If England ordered the war don't you think England ought to pay for it? 2 copies
Merciless tigers in their dealings with unarmed Republican prisoners. Spineless worms in their dealings with English ministers. That's what O'Higgins and Mulcahy are. 2 copies.
620,283 Irish voters went to the Polls on June 16th, 1922. Not a solitary one of these 620, 283 voters wanted war. But one English voter, Winston Churchill, wanted war and he had his way. That is what is meant by "The Will of the People". 5 copies
The two policies. The policy of Sinn Fein gives you ... a fearless nation. The other policy gives you ... a craven state. 2 copies.
Do you believe that while there is a single hungry child in Ireland, the sum of £37,865 per year of the Irish Peoples’ money should be expended on Tim Healy? 2 copies.
Address to the Dublin Brigade by the Officer Commanding, signed by Oscar Traynor.

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