Documento 14 - Notices of meetings of the Catholic Boys’ Brigade Committee

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Código de referência

IE CA CS/5/1/14


Notices of meetings of the Catholic Boys’ Brigade Committee


  • 16 Oct. 1897-8 June 1902 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

24 items; Manuscript and Printed

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Notices of meetings of the Catholic Boys’ Brigade Committee, Church Street. The file includes invitations requesting attendance at annual meetings which were held in the Brigade Hall, Church Street. The notices and resolutions are mainly signed by James J. Darragh, Honorary Secretary, and refer to routine administrative matters including the election of officers, expenditure and accounts, the arrangement of rooms and premises, the repair of the Hall, and various rules and constitutional matters. The file also includes the correspondence of Fr. Fiacre Brophy OSFC and James J. Darragh regarding a dispute within the committee regarding an amendment to rule 10 of the constitution which noted that the ‘Brigade shall be governed by the President assisted by a Capuchin Father as Vice President who shall be appointed by the President. … The President alone shall have authority in spiritual matters – the lay members being responsible for the financial affairs’.

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Línguas e escritas



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