Documento 18 - Newspaper cuttings re centenary of the temperance campaign

Código de referência



Newspaper cuttings re centenary of the temperance campaign


  • 1938 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

88 items; Newspaper cuttings

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Âmbito e conteúdo

File of newspaper cuttings covering the centenary celebrations of the inauguration by Fr. Theobald Mathew of the temperance campaign in April 1838. The file includes cuttings from the 'Irish Independent', 'Tipperary Star', 'Saturday Herald', 'Nationalist', 'Irish Press', 'The Pilot', 'The Standard', 'The Cambridge Chronicle' (Massachusetts), 'The Universe', 'Seraphic Home Journal', 'The Derry Journal',' Cork Examiner', 'Kilkenny Journal', 'Catholic Times', and 'Evening Echo'.
• The articles refer to the re-naming of the Church Street (formerly Whitworth) Bridge as Father Mathew Bridge over the River Liffey, Dublin, in October 1938, to various ceremonies held to mark the anniversary (particularly in Dublin and Cork, and in Thomastown Castle, County Tipperary, Fr. Mathew’s birthplace), and to the Father Mathew Centenary stamp designed by Sean Keating RHA.
• The file also includes an article by Bridie Maguire, ‘Noted Irish Sculptress / Mary Redmond, who wrought the figure of Father Mathew in O’Connell Street’, 'Saturday Herald', 9 Apr. 1938.
• Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. delivering an address at the annual meeting of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association in the Theatre Royal, Dublin. 'Irish Independent', 16 Nov. 1938.

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