Item 36 - Letter from William Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin

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IE CA IR-1/7/1/36


Letter from William Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin


  • 10 Nov. 1919 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

1 p.; Printed

Nome do produtor

(30 January 1841-9 April 1921)

História biográfica

William Joseph Walsh was born at 11 Essex Quay in Dublin on 30 January 1841. He was the only child of Ralph Walsh, a watchmaker from County Kerry, and Mary Pierce of Galway. He was educated at St. Laurence O’Toole Seminary School in Dublin before attending Newman’s Catholic University. He then went to study at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, in 1858. Excelling at Canon Law, Hebrew, and Divinity, he completed his Ordinary Degree in 1864 followed by a combined three years of post-graduate study and lecturing in the Theology Faculty. He was ordained to the priesthood on 22 May 1866. The following year, at the age of twenty-six, Walsh was appointed Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology at Maynooth. He served as Vice President of the College from 1878 and was made President in 1880. On the death of Cardinal Edward McCabe (1816-1885), Walsh was appointed Archbishop of Dublin. He was appointed to the See of Dublin on 3 July 1885. This was hailed as a triumph by Irish Nationalists as Walsh’s sympathies were well known. For the next quarter of a century, Walsh was one of the dominant personalities in the Irish Catholic Church and played a key role in both pastoral and public affairs. His motto was ‘Fide et Labore’. He died on 9 April 1921 and is buried in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin.

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Letter from William Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, to Cardinal William Henry O’Connell, Archbishop of Boston. The printed letter refers to the former’s donation of £105 to the Irish National Fund inaugurated by the First Dáil.

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