Documento 13 - Legal documents relating to a lease by Frances MacDonnell to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani and others of premises on North King Street

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IE CA CS/2/2/4/13


Legal documents relating to a lease by Frances MacDonnell to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani and others of premises on North King Street


  • 16 Dec. 1861-17 Dec. 1869 (Produção)

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40 items; Manuscript

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Copy lease of Frances MacDonnell, Bath, Somerset, widow, to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani OSFC, Fr. Daniel Patrick O’Reilly OSFC and and Fr. James Edward Tommins OSFC, North King Street, of ‘4 houses or tenements with the stables, warehouses and buildings, yards and lands thereunto belonging, and known as nos. 47, 48, 49 and 50 North King Street …’, for 9,000 years at the yearly rent of £77 and in consideration of the sum of £500. 19 Sept. 1862. With drafts and and copies of leases and related solicitors’ correspondence. The file also includes a declaration by Terence O’Reilly affirming that he has been solicitor for the Capuchins for more than 30 years and that the original of the aforementioned lease ‘has gone astray and cannot be found’. O’Reilly also avers that the sum of £200 mentioned in the said lease remains unpaid and that no claim or demand has ever been made by Frances MacDonnell or her representatives. O’Reilly also referred to his clients’ objections to a covenant for re-entry in the draft lease as ‘it would be very hard, if after paying £300 on execution of lease and after expending probably four times the amount in building (as they hope to have a large portion of the Church built before next July), if by any chance they were unable to pay the £200 by July which though not probable is possible, your client should be liberty to re-enter’. 15 Aug. 1862. With solicitor costs to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani OSFC and other Capuchin friars for preparing leases for the said premises on North King Street. 17 Dec. 1869.

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