Item 5 - Lease by Robert Warner to John Henry Gamble

Código de referência

IE CA HT/2/1/1/5


Lease by Robert Warner to John Henry Gamble


  • 1 Jan. 1845 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 membrane; Manuscript

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Lease by Robert Warner, Cork, master cooper, to John Henry Gamble, Cork, merchant, of a plot of ground and passage way leading onto Queen Street, together with the buildings and stores built thereon, for 300 years, in consideration of £100, and at the yearly rent of £50. With a coloured map of the aforementioned premises, measuring 121 feet 0 inches by 143 feet 10 inches. The property is bounded to the south by ‘ground in the possession of Mr Warner’ and by ‘Mr. Mathew’s Chapel’, to the north by premises held by Mr Foley, Mr Wood and Mrs Croft (stables), to the west by ‘Mr Murphy’s concerns’, and to the east by Queen Street. Scale: 40 feet to 1 inch. The lease is annotated on the reverse: ‘Head lease of 1/9/1862 (Warner and Sarsfield). This lease surrendered?’

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