Documento 7 - Father Mathew and Temperance Prints

Código de referência



Father Mathew and Temperance Prints


  • c.1950-1982 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

4 items; Printed and photographic print

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Âmbito e conteúdo

• Copy inventory of the works of John Hogan (1800-1858), sculptor. The photocopy is from John Turpin, 'John Hogan, Irish neoclassical sculptor in Rome, 1800-1858 / a biography and catalogue raisonné' (Dublin, 1982). The extract refers to the busts of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC. Reference is made to No. 41, a marble bust of Fr. Mathew in the Capuchin Friary, Church Street, Dublin [now in the National Museum of Ireland]. The bust is inscribed ‘Hogan’ in monogram. No. 43 is described as a plaster bust of Fr. Mathew in the Capuchin Friary, Church Street, Dublin. It is inscribed ‘Fr. Theobald Mathew, Ord. Capuchin. He is wearing the Capuchin habit with folded hood. The face is slightly more uneven and less glassy than the marble, for which it is principally a study. W. Strickland, "Dictionary of Irish Artists", in his list of Hogan’s works, mentions a bust of Fr. Mathew in the collection of H.J. Maguire, Anglesea Road, Dublin, which may have been identical to this one …’. With photographic print of Hogan’s marble bust of Fr. Mathew (21.5 cm x 16.5 cm).
• Copy prints of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC.
• A photographic print of the grave of Fr. Theobald Mathew in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Cork. Fr. Matthew Flynn OFM Cap. is seen standing beside the grave. c.1960. 11 cm x 6.5 cm.

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