Documento 4 - Documents relating to the title of Mary Craven to premises on Thunder’s Court, off Church Street

Código de referência

IE CA CS/2/2/6/4


Documents relating to the title of Mary Craven to premises on Thunder’s Court, off Church Street


  • 18 Dec. 1883-3 May. 1889 (Produção)

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8 items; Manuscript and parchment

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Abstract of title of Mary Craven, widow and administratrix of John Kelly, late of 55 Church Street, broker, to two houses numbered 2 and 3 situated on Thunder’s Court at the rear of Church Street. The abstract commences with a recital of a lease (dated 24 June 1858) by Michael Clarke to John Kelly of the said premises for 93 years at the yearly rent of 2d and in consideration of £40 (See CA CS/2/2/6/1). The abstract concludes with a reference to letters of administration granted under Probate (18 Dec. 1883) to Mary Craven (formerly Mary Kelly of 141 Church Street) for the administration of the personal estate and effects of the said John Kelly (d. 18 Jan. 1865). The file also includes:
• Letters of administration of John Kelly (18 Dec. 1883).
• Assignment by Mary Craven (widow of John Kelly) to Fr. Paul Neary OSFC and other Capuchin friars of the aformentioned premises in consideration of £225. (16 Jan. 1889).
• Letters of administration granted to Elizabeth Kelly, a daughter of Mary Craven (died 5 Mar. 1889) for the administration of her mother’s personal estate and effects. 22 Mar. 1889.
• Draft statement of account given by Elizabeth Kelly of the personal estate and debts of her late mother Mary Craven. The account notes that the amount of money owing from the estate was £107 17s 3d. 10 Apr. 1889.
See also CA CS/2/2/6/5.

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