Dossier 2 - Correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.

Letter from Jack B. Yeats to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap.
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IE CA CP/1/5/1/2


Correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.


  • 1947-1960 (Création/Production)

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77 items; Manuscript; Typescript

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Histoire archivistique

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Correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap., mainly regarding orders for various editions of 'The Capuchin Annual' (particularly from the United States) and for permission to reproduce content from the publication (including the artwork of Richard King). The file also includes letters from contributors with some references to financial problems in the Capuchin Periodicals Office, and to Fr. Senan’s ill-health, and later to his resignation from the editorship of the 'Annual'. The file includes letters from the following correspondents: Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Ruth Axe, Jack Lane, Seumas MacManus, Frank Duff, Robert Monteith, Denis O’Shea, travelling sales representative for 'The Capuchin Annual', Fr. John Cardiff, Holy Cross Rectory, Chicago, Fr. John J. Carroll, Saint Clement Parish House, Sheboyan, Wisconsin, Br. Francis Propser OFM Cap., Garrison, New York, Martin J. Fenelon, Katherine Edelman, Doran Hurley, Monsignor Martin C. Murphy, Columbia, South Carolina, Robert Ostermann, Archbishop Pietro Sigismondi, Martin Cullen, St. John’s Seminary, Minnesota, Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Devin A. Garrity, Paul Martin-Dillon, Fr. Terence L. Connolly SJ, Fr. Carthage Ruth OFM Cap., the Most Rev. James M. Liston, Bishop of Auckland, Fr. Colga O’Riordan OFM Cap., and Fr. William Coughlan OFM Cap.

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The digital file above is a PDF copy of a letter from Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. to Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap, Provincial Minister, dated 24 January 1954. The contents of the letter relate to:

  1. A publication by the Sisters of Mercy.
  2. A dispute with Richard King over copyright. This dispute was later amicably resolved following the appointment of Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. as editior of the 'Annual'.
  3. A delay regarding the publication of the new issue of 'The Capuchin Annual' due to Fr. Senan’s ill-health.
  4. The sale of raffle tickets for a pilgrimage to Loudres.
  5. The sale of 'The Capuchin Annual' Office artwork collection. Reference is made to paintings by Jack B. Yeats (1871-1957).
  6. Canon Lane, PP, Cahirciveen, County Kerry.
  7. The sale of some items (paintings and a wire-recorder) formerly held in 'The Capuchin Annual' Office.

The PDF copy of this letter can be accessed by clicking on the reference image above.

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