Christen, Bernard, 1837-1909, Capuchin priest

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Christen, Bernard, 1837-1909, Capuchin priest

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  • of Andermatt, Bernard

Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

Zone de description

Dates d’existence

24 July 1837-11 March 1909


Edouard Christian was born in Andermatt, a mountain village in the canton of Uri in Switzerland, in 1837. He was the fourth child (from a family of thirteen) of Joseph Maria ‘Sebastian’ Christen and Karolina Danioth. He spent his early years helping his parents on their cattle farm. On 5 October 1855, he entered the Capuchin novitiate at Lucerne and took Bernard as his religious name. He made his solemn profession on 8 October 1856. He then undertook his clerical studies and was ordained to the priesthood on 29 July 1860. In 1876 Fr. Bernard was elected a General Definitor (Councillor), in which role he successfully renewed and updated the philosophical and theological studies of Capuchin clerical candidates. He also worked tirelessly to tighten up regular observance among the friars of the Capuchin Order. At the General Chapter of 1884, Fr. Bernard was elected as Minister General. Under his leadership, Capuchin missions were once more placed under the direction of the General Minister. He was also instrumental in the revision of the original 1530 Constitution of the Capuchin Order. Under his administration the number of friars began to grow, studies were reorganised, missions were given a new lease of life and the number of Capuchin jurisdictions increased. Fr. Bernard was also the first Capuchin General Minister to visit North America. He served as General Minister of the Capuchin friars from 1884 to 1908. His ceaseless work for the renewal of the Order was recognised by both Popes Leo XIII and Pius X, with the latter naming him Titular Archbishop of Stauropolis in 1908. He died the following year (11 March 1909) in the Institute of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Ingenbohl, Switzerland. He was buried in Lucerne.


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