Documento 4 - Account book for the construction of St. Mary of the Angels

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IE CA CS/2/3/4


Account book for the construction of St. Mary of the Angels


  • c.Jan. 1880-Nov. 1881 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

54 pp; 32.5 cm x 20.5 cm; Bound volume (soft-cover); Manuscript

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Âmbito e conteúdo

An account book titled ‘Book of money received or expended in the building of the new church of St. Mary of the Angels’. The book comprises a record of monies collected and expenditure in financing of the construction of the church. Most of the expenditure is recorded as lodgements on account in the Hibernian Bank Ltd. Several annotations are made in the account book. On 7 June it was recorded: ‘N.B. Very Rev. Daniel Patrick O’Reilly and Fr. Joseph Martin Harkins raised in the National [Bank] the sum of £300 for building purposes. This loan was advanced at three months’ payment – in full. A condition I regard as very much disparaging to our credit. Indeed, if I were allowed to act I would close the account in the National’.

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The bound cover is a later addition with typescript title to front.

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