1897090 Galileo Nicolini, C.P.
- IE CP 2021-11-22/216/10/2/3/8
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- 18/07/34
1897090 Galileo Nicolini, C.P Decree authorising the oficial introduction of the cause for beatification and canonisatiojn of Confrater Galileo Nicolini.
3509 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
1897090 Galileo Nicolini, C.P.
1897090 Galileo Nicolini, C.P Decree authorising the oficial introduction of the cause for beatification and canonisatiojn of Confrater Galileo Nicolini.
1898012 Henry McGrath: Obituary:
1898012 Henry McGrath: Obituary:
1898012 Thomas Heffernan: Obituary:
1898012 Thomas Heffernan: Obituary:
1899002 Fearon, C.P., Francis;
Fearon, C.P., Francis. Copy obituary of Bro. Francis Fearon, C.P., by the Rector of St. Mary's, Harborne. Clearer typed copy attached
1899002 Francis Fearon: Obituary:
1899002 Francis Fearon: Obituary:
1899024 Kierkels, C.P., Leo: Superior General
1899024 Kierkels, C.P., Leo: Superior General Presscuttng from "The Cross" regarding the consecration of Leo as Apostolic Delagate to India
1899029 Hayes, C.P., Ambrose Newscutting (source unknown) on death of Fr. Ambrose Hayes, C.P.
1899041 Ephrem O'Connell: Obituary:
1899041 Ephrem O'Connell: Obituary:
1899072 Urban Young: Obituary:
1899072 Urban Young: Obituary: (a) official obituary: (2) press obituary
All material from the 18th and 19th century. The Irish Passionists were united with the English ones from 1856 until the early 20th century.
This archive was principally that of the Mount Argus house.