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1846034 Blessed Charles Houben: Apostolic Process:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben - Cause - Apostolic Process:- letter from Gerald O'Boyle, C.P., Vice-Postulator of the Cause of the Servant of God, Father Charles, to His Eminence, Cardinal Giobbe, expressing his pleasure at the cardinal's undertaking of the duty of Cardinal Ponens of the cause of Fr. Charles. He recounts a brief history of the veneration in which Fr. Charles has been held since his death.

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben: Apostolic Process:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben - Cause - Apostolic Process:- letter from the office of the Bishop of Southwark to Gerald O'Boyle, C.P. enclosing letter from the Abbot of Ramsgate in which he agrees to act as the Bishops delegate as judge at the Rogatorial Court in Herne Bay for the examination of two Passionists who are witnesses in the Cause of Fr. Charles. (Actual letter is located at serial no 6390.)

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben: Apostolic Process:

1846033 Blessed Charles Houben - Cause - Apostolic Process:- typed mimeographed copy of the text of the notifiication by the Cardinal Secretary of the Sacred Congeegration of Rites of the popes confirmation of the verdict by the Anteprpearatory Meeting about the virtues of Fr. Charles and permission to go ahead with the cause (see serial no 4752)

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben: Apostolic Process:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben - Cause - Apostolic Process:- translation into English letter from the Postulator General (see serial no 6393) to Gerald O'Boyle, C.P. He asks Gerald to write at length about a wonderful cure obtained through the intercession of Charles with copy of medical attestations and photograph taken in the hospital. States that the writings of the Servant of God have been approved, as have all the processes. He is awaiting the "ANIMADVERSIONES" ("difficulties").

1846034; Blessed Charles Houben: Writings:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P., Writings: envelope bearing the following inscription: "Scripta Servi Dei N.5 " and an episcoipal seal (Dublin?) which is now broken. The following details are typed on the envelope: " Contents: five letters addressed to the Servant of God, Fr, Charles and annotated in his own handwriting "

Charles Houben

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: 6 letters (5 from Brother Michael, who accompanied Blessed Charles on his visits to the McEvoy family) and 1 from Fr. Austin Bonner, C.P. to Mrs. McEvoy and Pauline: none are dated except the one from Austin, which date is given to cover this corespondence.

Charles Houben

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: Bishop Grant:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: Bishop Grant: several letters from and on behalf of Bishop Grant, English College, Rome, to Pauline McEvoy's father. Mr McEvoy was a Member of Parliament and had succeeded in having the Eccleastical Titles Act repealed. Some of the correspondence is to congratulate Mr McEvoy for his work on the Act.

Charles Houben

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: Cure:

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: Cure: small card sent from Catherine Chichester, 4, Stanhope Gardens, London S.W.7 to Pauline MvEvoy, enclosing cutting from Irish Catholic announcing the establishment of the Informative Process for the beatfication of Fr.Charles and requesting that those who have received favours through his intercession should contact the Passioinists. Catherine states that as Pauline is a living miricle of Fr. Charles, she should make contact with the Passionists. This reference is taken as an indicaton of Charles's miraculous intervention in Pauline's life, whether during or after his life is not clear.

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: Young, Fr. Henry

1846034 Blessed Charles Houben, C.P. McEvoy family and Blessed Charles: Young, Fr. Henry: Folder containing correspondence and other items from Mrs. McEvoy to her daughter, Pauline, The items are as follows:
(A) certificate issued on occasion of Pauline's First Holy Communion on 14.06.1973
(B) envelope which contained certain relics or memorabilia, dated 1964, with instructions thar relics were to be given to Pauline
(C) copy letter addressed to Pauline dated 12.08.1874, which seems to be a sort of will.
(D) envelope containing lock of hair of Fr. Henry Young, St. Joaephs'Asylum. This was St. Joseph's', Portland Row. See item under serial number 4918 for life of Fr. Henry Young,who served in Harold's Cross and was a contempprary of Blessed Charles.
(E) photograph of Mrs. Roderick Brown (who is she?)

Charles Houben

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