Blessed Charles - Cause:- Informative Process - letter from Cuthbert Dunne, Highgate, to Gerald O'Boyle. Papers relating to the cause have been found and are being sent to Ardoyne for collection by Mount Argus. They contain (a) original process in Latin and an Italian translation of same, (b) English rendering in brochure form, (c) envelope containing many letters re cures, (d) pencil translation of a hymn and post-communion prayer from the missal in Charle's own writing (e) exercise book titled "record of miracles effected by Fr. Charles", (f) a number of Latin forms for recording the evidence of witnesses at the Tribunal. These will give Gerald somethng substantial to work on. They are also evidence that Oswald Donnelly did much of, what he called, the spade-work in the cause. (N.B. At date of entering these details, none of the items mentioned above, with the exception of the witnesses forms, seem to have survived.)