1923082 Edmund Burke: 1857026 St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows: letter from editor of Passionist Youth supplying Edmund with the date od the death of St. Gabriel's sister
1923082 Edmund Burke: 1857026 St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin: file of documents from The New Cathplic Encyclopedia concerning article on St. Gabriel written for it by Edmund,
1923082 Edmund Burke: Drum-mohr: press cutting titled "Merry monk fueds with farmer" from SUnday Express, detailing dispute between Edmund and a local farmer regarding a right of way.
1923 Edmund Burke: Sermons and Radio Talks: letter from Deputy Director, Radio Eireann, to Edmund Burke: Answering a suggestion re CPs giving the next series of Lenten talks, the D-D say, No, better give to another Order.But, suggests a Talk on "Relics of the Passion" during Holy Week.
1923082 Edmund Burke, C.P. Sermons and Radio Talks: letter from Fr. O'Reilly, St. Agatha's, N.William Street, Dublin to Edmund. Ash Wednesday talk ok. No need to submit appeal for Hospice. Edmund and Valentime are official censors, according to list, which is a bit out of date.
Edmund Burke: Sermons and Radio Talks: a translation into an African language of Edmund's English translation of "Fr. Victor's 'Monthly Recollections" This item was missing at time of comuterisation, .
1923082 Edmund Burke: Sermons and Radio Talks: letter from Director of Talks, Radio Eireann, Dublin to Edmund: talk "The Third Word" on Friday 17 May at 7-715 p.m. Honorarium £3.
1923082 Edmund Burke: Sermons and Radio Talks: letter from BBC, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, to Edmund. Suggeste that he broadacst a service, date to be arranged, Sugests that he meets Fr. Agnellus Andrews, OFM.