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Irish Vincentian Archive With digital objects
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AHC Prospectus; AHC talk; AHC Mission Statement 1840 and 1990

Folder with four items:

Prospectus booklet: 'All Hallows Institute for Mission and Ministry: Outline of courses 1992 – 1993'.

Talk typed on A4 sheets: ‘Trends and developments in the life of All Hallows’, by Rev. Eugene Duffy, July 1992.

John Hand’s first mission statement on an A4 page, originally from 1840; this copy was printed in the 1990s.

All Hallows mission statement 1990 on an A4 page.

Irish Vincentian Province

'All Hallows College Pioneer Priests in the United States'

Booklet: 'All Hallows College Pioneer Priests in the United States'.
Originally written as an article in the All Hallow Annual in 1953 by Kevin Condon CM, it is reprinted here in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of All Hallows College and in memory of Kevin Condon who died in 1989.

Irish Vincentian Province

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