- IE CP 2020-04-01/38/49/1/1/1
- Stuk
- 19/08/1870
1859029 Devine, C.P., Pius Ms entitled Journal of a Voyage to America, 1870
Pius Devine
1859029 Devine, C.P., Pius Ms entitled Journal of a Voyage to America, 1870
Pius Devine
Mount Argus: Platea; Chonicles: Missions and Retreats: 1859029 Devine, C.P. Pius:
Mount Argus: Platea; Chonicles: Missions and Retreats: 1859029 Devine, C.P. Pius: photocopy of letter from the Provincial to all Rectors: Platea and records of missions and retreats are to be sent in order to facilitate Pius Devine in his history of the province. In the meantime notes for these books can be kept in a pass-book to be copied later into the platea and record of missions and retreats (v. 723)
Pius Devine
1859029 Devine, C.P., Pius: 1861130 Mulcahy, C.P. Brian
1859029 Devine, C.P., Pius: 1861130 Mulcahy, C.P. Brian
Devine, C.P., Pius bound printout of computerised version of Pius Devine's Ms entitled
"Second Journey to Rome in 1971"
Account of his journey to Rome to report to Fr. General.
Pius Devine
Devine, C.P. Pius: Reference card to entry no. 95 in Salvian's "Register of Passionists", located at 28/1
Pius Devine
1859029 Devine, C.P., Pius: MS of "A Short Commentary on The Old Testament, according to the Douai Versio - in fifteen volumes" by the Rev. Pius Devine, Passionist: vol.. 1: GENESIS
Pius Devine
Devine, C.P., Pius: MS of "An Exposition of the Book of Psalms"
Pius Devine
Devine, C.P., Pius: MS of "An Exposition of the Book of Tobias, Esther and Tobias":
Pius Devine
Devine, C.P., Pius: MS of "An Exposition of the Book of Isias"
Pius Devine
Devine, C.P., Pius: MS of "An Exposition of the Minor Prophets"
Pius Devine
Devine, C.P., Pius: MS of "An Exposition of the Catholoi Epistles"
Pius Devine