Ffeil 6 - Correspondence regarding alteration works

Cod cyfeirnod

IE CA CS/2/6/1/6


Correspondence regarding alteration works


  • 18 Nov. 1943-5 Sept. 1949 (Creadigaeth)

Lefel y disgrifiad


Maint a chyfrwng

35 items; Typescript and manuscript

Enw'r crëwr

Hanes archifol


Natur a chynnwys

Correspondence, estimates, bills of costs and certificates of account concerning various building and improvement projects at the Capuchin Friary, Church Street. Works included plastering the corridors in the Friary, improvements to the boilers and heating systems, new lavatories and basins, the installation of a new shrine, and alterations to candlesticks on the Church altar. Correspondents included John Hughes, builder and contractor, 26a Mt. Eden Road, Donnybrook, A.W. Lyons & Son Ltd., stained glass studios, 20 Westland Row, John L. Robinson, architect, 8 Merrion Square, Maguire & Gatchell Ltd., engineers, contractors and merchants, Dawson Street and C.W. Harrison & Sons, architectural and monumental sculptors, 178 Pearse Street. The file includes a letter from John L. Robinson (8 July 1943) referring to the difficulties in erecting the new shrine as ‘most of the garden is made up of ground with old cellars underneath … and in one corner of the building we came upon an old well over which it was necessary to place a substantial reinforced concrete slab’. Other correspondents include Fr. Charles Brophy OFM Cap., Fr. Brendan O’Callaghan OFM Cap. and Fr. Virgilius Murtagh OFM Cap., guardians of the Church Street community.

Gwerthuso, dinistrio ac amserlennu


System o drefniant

Amodau rheoli mynediad

Amodau rheoli atgynhyrchu

Iaith y deunydd

Sgript o ddeunydd

Nodiadau iaith a sgript

Cyflwr ac anghenion technegol

Cymhorthion chwilio

Bodolaeth a lleoliad y gwreiddiol

Bodolaeth a lleoliad copïau

Unedau o ddisgrifiad cysylltiedig

Disgrifiadau cysylltiedig

Dynodwr(dynodwyr) eraill

Pwyntiau mynediad pwnc

Pwyntiau mynediad lleoedd

Pwyntiau mynediad Genre

Dynodwr disgrifiad

Dynodwr sefydliad

Rheolau a/neu confensiynau a ddefnyddiwyd


Lefel manylder disgrifiad

Dyddiadau creadigaeth adolygiad dilead




Ardal derbyn

Pynciau cysylltiedig

Genres cysylltiedig

Lleoedd cysylltiedig